After diagnosing a pattern of disharmony and administering acupuncture treatments, a doctor of TCM often writes an herbal formula from over a thousand common herbal formulas or from more effective traditional family formulas. Herbal medicine has a long history in the Orient. The first Chinese material, the Shen-Nung Herbal Classic, was begun during the Stone Age and completed in the later part of the 5th century B.C., from which some important formulas originated.醫(yī) 學(xué) 全 在線
In this herbal classic, herbs are categorized into three groups. The first group is called “food herbs” which are eaten as part of one’s diet for general fortification, prevention and maintenance. The other two groups are called “medicinal herbs” which are dispensed to each patient as an individual formula based on one’s constitution, environment and medical condition.
Medicinal herbal therapy works in concert with acupuncture by providing the nourishing support for the energetic “re-programming” and “re-balancing” efforts of acupuncture.