主癥 身目具黃,黃色鮮明,發(fā)熱口渴,小便黃赤短少,身重腹?jié)M,胸悶嘔惡,舌苔黃膩,脈弦數(shù)。
Main Manifestations Lustrous yellow skin and sclera, fever, thirst, scanty dark yellow urine, heaviness of the body, abdominal distention, chest congestion, nausea, yellow, sticky tongue coating, string-taut, rapid pulse.
治法 取足少陽、督脈、足太陽經(jīng)穴為主。針刺用瀉法,以疏肝利膽,清熱利濕。
Treatment The points of Gallbladder, Spleen Meridians and Governor Vessel are selected as principal points. Reducing manipulation is applied to regulate the flow of Qi in the liver and gallbladder and remove heat and dampness.
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處方 至陽 膽俞 陽陵泉 陰陵泉 太沖
Prescription Zhiyang (GV9), Danshu (BL19), Yanglingquan (GB34), Yinlingquan (SP9), Taichong (LR3) |
主癥 黃色晦暗,身重倦怠,納少脘悶,神疲畏寒,口不渴,舌質(zhì)淡,苔白膩,脈沉遲。
Main Manifestations Sallow skin, heaviness of the body, weakness, lose of appetite, apigastric stuffiness, lassitude, aversion to cold, absence of thirst, pale tongue, thick white tongue coating, deep and slow pulse.醫(yī)學.全在.線www.med126.com
治法 取足陽明太陰穴為主,針刺用補法,并灸。以健疲疏肝利膽,溫化寒濕。
Treatment The points of Spleen and Stomach Meridians are selected as the principal points. Reducing manipulation and moxibustion are applied to strengthen the spleen, soothe liver and regulate the flow of Qi in gallbladder, and warm out cold dampness.
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處方 脾俞 膽俞 足三里 三陰支 陰陵泉
Prescription Pishu (BL20), Danshu (BL19), Zusanli (ST36), Sanyinjiao (SP6), Yinlingquan (SP9) |